Local Employment Opportunities

The Western Arkansas Workforce Development Board is committed to assisting employers and those who are seeking employment! We will be updating the following link with job fairs, training opportunities, and job openings as we get them. 


Western Arkansas Employers,

Job Seekers, & Communities.

Connecting You With Opportunity

The Western Arkansas area is full of opportunities.

Western Arkansas Works’ extensive knowledge of the local labor market

helps access talent, increase employment opportunities, and provide resources needed to compete in today’s economy.

Western Arkansas Works

Click the icons below for more information on services and resources available.

Career Exploration

About Us

Job Listings

Job Seekers

Veteran Services


Youth Services

Career Centers

Career Centers

With an in-depth understanding of the local job market and established relationships with local employers, educational institutions and qualified job search support vendors, we provide you with the resources, intelligence and tools you need to succeed.

Career Centers

With an in-depth understanding of the local job market and established relationships with local employers, educational institutions and qualified job search support vendors, we provide you with the resources, intelligence and tools you need to succeed.

Career Centers

With an in-depth understanding of the local job market and established relationships with local employers, educational institutions and qualified job search support vendors, we provide you with the resources, intelligence and tools you need to succeed.

Let’s Get to Work!

We have the information and resources to help you make the right employment decisions.







Some of Our Success Stories!

WAPDD Final Logo
Arkansas Workforce Centers
American Job Center
American Job Center
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